Wednesday 18 January 2012

First Post

I feel I should put a bit of effort in and have a go at this blogging business, since I haven’t seen any of you guys in a while now and I want to keep in touch.

I am very much excited about the prospect of the greatest ride of my life so far! Training is coming along nicely and I have ventured out into the great British winter most weeks since we signed up. Anytime I feel I’m flagging, I have this motivation that I’ve never had before, and this comes from the fear of the dreaded broom wagon sweeping up the stragglers on the big day! I have waited my whole life for a reason to train for a specific event, and the Etape seems to fit the bill.

With regard to the fund raising, I hope I’m not too late Mr Brett Geldof-Green, but I would like to throw another idea for a fund raising cause. During my travelling to Africe in 2005, I worked for a local mission in Zambia (a small village called Mwandi) where they look after orphaned children in the local community. The Australian lady that began this in 2004 (Fiona who has received an Australian Member to the Order of Australia for her efforts ) has managed to build a drop in centre, a playground and develop the medical centre. These children now depend on the support that they give so any funds that they receive go directly to help people that really do need it. Even a small donation to this can make a difference. Just a thought.

If I haven't said it before, without Clive and everyone that's helped organise this, I probably would have been too lazy to do it myself, so cheers. I look forward to the time when there is no longer gritty, slippy, dirty roads, but for now I’ll be out as much as I can, on my bike, pedalling along …

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